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Coffee beans are scored after being evaluated by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). The beans have to go through many tests and the ones which qualify 80 points or above (out of 100) are qualified as 'Specialty Coffee'. As well as the specialty grade beans, SCA also scores lower quality beans. Most commercial coffee beans are scored around 60 to 79 points.

Specialty coffee cherries need to be handpicked in order to protect the tree and the fruit from physical damage. Specialty coffees contain unique and specific flavours with respect to the environment they grow in. But at every step from the farm to the cup, the coffee should be processed, transported, roasted and brewed very carefully in order to bring out the quality of the bean.

Coffee fruit, just like grapes (which wine is made out of) has a vast potential of containing different flavours and aromas within itself.

Check out: Coffee Flavour Wheel







For the best results, please check the roast date of the coffee on the package and consume within 1 month.

We always suggest grinding the coffee beans just before brewing your coffee.

 Roasted beans when contacted with air (oxygen) starts staling very quickly. Ground coffee beans have larger surface area, thus will be more in contact with air which will speed up the staling. Another reason for grinding in the moment of brewing is that the coffee aromas are made up of volatile gases and with brewing, these gases escape the bean and the more you wait, the more gases will escape. If you do not have a grinder and you have to consume ground coffee, keep your coffee in an air-sealed package. 

If you need information about how to brew coffee, you can visit our 'Brew Guides' page. 



Green coffee beans can be separated from their fruits using different processing methods. The three most common of those are Natural Process, Honey Process and Washed Process. Using different processing methods affect the flavour of the coffee.


1.Washed (Wet) Process

With the help of a machine, the coffee cherry is removed from the seed within 8 to 12 hours after the fruit is picked. After the removal of the fruit, the seeds are still covered in a sticky fruit material, their mucilage. The seeds are then left in a fermentation tank overnight which helps to break down the mucilage making it easier to remove in the washing. The seeds are then washed inside the tank, completely removing the mucilage and ready for drying.














2. Natural (Dry) Process

This is the oldest method used to remove the coffee seed from the coffee cherry. After being harvested, the coffee seed with its fruit is left drying under the sun. Since the coffee cherry stays in contact with the beans for a long time, the coffee processed with this method generally have fruity taste profiles. 














3. Honey Process

After harvesting, the coffee seeds are removed from their cherries within 8 to 12 hours just like the washed process, However, what differs honey process from the washed process is that the mucilage is left on the seed instead of being cleaned.





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DireniÅŸ Cad 

Zeytinlik Köy Meydanı / Girne / KIBRIS


© 2020 by Rest Cafe, Roastery & Art Space

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